

I talk a lot about Christianity on my blog but I think it’s important to talk about prayer and how to pray. I used to think there was a right or wrong way to pray. I didn’t know if I was supposed to pray out loud or in my head? Does praying at church make it more likely to happen? Should I pray more than once a day? What if I fall asleep praying? If God really knows me so well then he can read my mind and I don’t need to pray, right? There are so many questions I have had or heard people ask about prayer. There isn’t any wrong answer because as long as your praying, that’s all that matters. Yes, God knows everything about you and his plan but just like you like to talk to your parents about your plans or your friend about your day or what you want in the future, God wants that too. He wants that closeness with you because let’s me honest, he deserves that. He created you and let his son die for all of your sins, the least we can do is talk to him about our feelings, what we would like, or even what we expect in the future (don’t expect everything to go your way, you do not know what will happen in the future and he does.)

What is Prayer?
Prayer is a time that you spend talking with god. It’s literally that. You talking to him. You don’t have to get on your knees, have your eyes opened or closed, or be just in church to talk to him. He will literally listen no matter the time or day. You talking with him and showing him your heart will only help you receive peace and comfort knowing he is there for you.
“In all things you ask in prayer, believing, and you will receive.” Matthew 21:22 NASB

How to Pray?
Like we talked about, prayer is a conversation between you and God. You do not have to have perfect sentences, you do not have to have it all together and know exactly what you want before going to God. Most of my conversations with God consists of me telling him what I think should happen and what I would like to see in my future, I know he has better plans but I just wanted to put my two cents in to help him out 😉 I’m sure he laughs at me all the time. Who wouldn’t? But that’s how I feel like our relationship is. I can be completely open and real (he knows everything about me anyway). I can tell him I’m angry at something because I felt he shouldn’t of made me go through it or I don’t understand his plan. He gives me peace and faith so I can patiently wait for his timing and I have never been so happy waiting with him. It’s not easy but once God gives you that peace, it’s the best feeling in the world. No matter if everything is crashing around you.

There is a really good story in the Bible I want to share. It’s about the story of Hannah in 1st Samuel. Hannah was not able to have children. She was married to a man that had two wives, her and Peniannah. (totally normal back in the Bible days to have more than one wife, I know weird..) So Peniannah could have children and Hannah couldn’t, her womb was closed. Hannah would get extra food from her husband since she didn’t have children to feed, it was like a, “I’m sorry you can’t have kids, here’s something to make you feel better” thing. Hannah decided to take time and completely consume herself in prayer and cried that she wanted a son very badly. A priest assumed she was drunk because she was so deep in prayer and she wasn’t acting right. She continued to pray her little heart out and let the priest know not to let her be forgotten. After talking with the priest and even with the sketchy comment towards her she believed in God and walked away happy and no longer upset. Verse 19 and 20 immediately tells us she was able to bear a son and his name was Samuel.
“It came about in due time, after Hannah has conceived, that she gave birth to a son; and she named him Samuel, saying, “because I have asked him of the Lord.”” Samuel 1:20 NASB

The important part to get from that scripture is she asked for a child when it was physically impossible to have kids. God took her prayers and answered them not by just giving her a son, he gave her Samuel. Who was recognized as the judge of all Israel.

Moral of this whole blog. Pray. Every. Single. Day. The worst that will happen? You have a stronger relationship with God and he answers your prayers. No actually bad right?

For more information about Samuel and his life:

Much love,

  1. Sarah

    February 5, 2020 at 10:48 PM

    As Christians we are called to pray without ceasing because the enemy roams around seeking whom he may devour. If we pray daily maybe just maybe, we will be one step ahead of the enemy. Prayer works. Prayer may not give us immediate or obvious answers right at the moment when we want, but we will have peace and joy that only God can give as we go through our daily routines. Peace Jesus said, I leave with you. No materialistic thing can give us true “inner peace.” That’s a God thing. This is a spiritual matter that the non Christian or non believer in Christ does not understand. We too must pray for those as well.
    Pray-great advise Charity ❤️

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