

“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” John 7:24 NASB
“For the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:2 NASB

Judgment is the easiest thing for most of us humans to do and we do it nearly every day. There are plenty of times that you see people on the outside and think they have it all together and their life looks perfect. You see their perfect kids all matching and dressed up, you see them all dressed up for work and always have a smile on their face, and you immediately think they are robots and perfect.

On the opposite end, you see someone that looks homeless and you question what they did to get themselves in that situation. You say it’s their fault and they deserve what they got. You don’t feel the need to help them or even talk to them because someone will see you and wonder why you are talking to someone like that. I mean their opinion of us is more important than helping someone in need, right?

If you have never done this, high five and I’m jealous. But let’s be honest here, we all wish we had what we don’t. We want the great hair, the different car, better clothes, or bigger house. When we see someone that has that we get jealous and judge that person to try to make ourselves feel better as to why we do not have it and they do. I think we live in a world now that everyone is so worried about what everyone else thinks of them that they are not able to do things they wish or that they hide things because they are worried about what someone will say. I live in a really small town and I deal with this every single day. I am not saying I do not judge, that is a sin I try to work on all the time. But you cannot do anything in a small town that people will not find out about. When I got pregnant as a teenager, I was judged every single day while pregnant and when she was little because we looked like children together. I would hear plenty of things people thought I should do or what they thought I shouldn’t do. Nothing like going to school and hearing about more teachers judging me or more kid’s parents judging my family. When there is a problem in someone’s relationship, you better believe the whole town will put their two cents in or will judge how those people should handle their marriage or relationship. It’s sad that people cannot do certain things or feel a certain way without being worried what the community will think.

I have learned over the years that it does not matter what people think or say about me or my family, because they have their own problems that need to be addressed that they are probably ignoring. And you know what makes me so happy? I serve an amazing God that loves me and cares for me and my family. He will be the final judge and I do not have to let anyone’s opinion or comments affect me. Only Gods opinion of me matters, not theirs. I wish so many others would believe this too because it gives such a settling mood to know that I do not have to please anyone. I do not have to worry about others judging me for doing something that God has asked me to do. I just have to focus on making myself better and become the best Christian I can be. I want to be able to go to judgment day and tell God all that I have done for him and tell him I used all the gifts he gave me for his good and did not care about others opinions or judgmental thoughts. I do not want to get to heaven and God have to question me as to why I was so judgmental to someone or why I did not do something because I was worried about being judged. I think we should be more focused on if our name will be in the Book of Life instead of what Carol did the other day.

There are many scriptures about not judging others, that God is the ultimate judge, and there will be a judgment day in heaven when we pass. What will God ask you? Are you ready to face him and answer the questions about what you have done in your life? Good? Bad? If you lived your life for him? Or did you live your life for others on Earth?

Much love,