

I know some people that consider church as just another check off of their list for the week. That was me, I used to be good just to get to church maybe once a month and I felt like I accomplished something. The reality was that I was just not getting anything out of it. It just wasn’t for me. Not that Christianity wasn’t for me, but finding a religion that I felt I “fit” into was not easy.

I grew up going to church every Sunday and staying extra, we participated in most church functions and went during the week sometimes. As I got older and could start making my own decisions I didn’t go as much. I didn’t feel like I learned much anyway going because I wasn’t paying attention or didn’t actually understand it. When I moved out I tried going by myself to a place in the town I lived in, I went a few times and still was just checking it off my list and I felt good for the week.

God has a way to pull you in and it’s up to you to accept his invitation. When I started wanting to progress in my faith I knew I needed to pick a church and stick with it if it felt right. My sister started going to a new church and seemed happy, I figured I might as well tag along right? Every service felt like God was talking directly to me, I know most people probably think that too. That’s when you know it’s a good service that it can hit home for everyone listening. I started adding it to my planner every Sunday and made sure it was just as important as the other activities I had that week. Making a habit takes a little time, if I can make a habit at going to the gym, I can do one hour of church each Sunday. Taking the initiative to add it to your daily lives, it makes it easier to wake up and go.

I think once you start really digging into your faith you start understanding more and can relate to the message being taught. I magically joined when they started a bible study that was over the Bible in order of historic events. I had tried reading my bible in the past but had no clue what was happening and was not retaining any of the information. I have been able to understand so much more about God and his plans for us. I can’t wait to go to church now, it’s my happy place. I get to have an hour of the kids in the nursery or class while I just focus on him. Its so much better going and actually understanding the stories the pastor is talking about.

God gives us everything even when we do not realize it. Why can’t we just give him one hour on a Sunday to thank him and acknowledge the things he has done in our life?

Much love,